Aaylas Sleepover
That party was awesome! I don't really know what happened to Padme but I think she ended up sleeping in the guest room (Most likely with Anakin). I got so hungry so I went to the kitchen and guess what, there was this huge thing of fudge on the counter, my favorite food. I figured it was Windus and no one else whould want any so I ate it all. Well then I went back to the living room and it ended up most people were asleep, so I sat down and started to watch Titanic, which is my favorite movie by the way. I kept feeling some one was watching me, so I turned around and almost screamed. JarJar was sitting on the bottom of the fish tank watching Titanic too. Then, like in the middle of the movie, Mace walks in and's like "Why are you watching Titanic?" and so I told him that it's my favorite movie and he's like "Mine too!". Then he's like "Do you know where all that fudge went?" and I told him I ate all of it cuz it's my favorite food, and he's like "Wow, mine too". So then he says hes going to should me some lightsaber moves, and when he pulls out his lightsaber it's purple! My favorite color! It was soooo creepy, us having so much in common. Mace ended up losing his bear. Sorry bud, I looked, every where and only found aalya hangin up in her closet.
Oh, bye the way, I think Leia has it Mace.
Oh, bye the way, I think Leia has it Mace.
Im going to kill her!